Welcome to ELSA in Austria


Austria has the most ELSA members and they are mainly located in Lower and Upper Austria where there are many active municipalities. This is one reason why the Soil Alliance has both a central coordination unit in Austria, as well as further units for both Lower and Upper Austria.


Central coordination unit for Austria
c/o Klimabündnis Österreich GmbH
Ansprechpartnerin: Norbert Rainer 
E-Mail: norbert.rainer(at)klimabuendnis.at


Coordination unit within Lower Austria
c/o NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde, Abteilung Landentwicklung
Ansprechpartner: DI Christian Steiner
E-Mail:post.abb(at)noel.gv.at oder erwin.szlezak(at)noel.gv.at


Coordination unit within Upper Austria
c/o Klimabündnis Oberösterreich
E-Mail: bodenbuendnis(at)klimabuendnis.at
