Advantages of membership
Those actively committed to soil conservation need allies: as contact persons, sources of ideas, or project partners. As a member, you become part of the international network and enjoy the following advantages:
- You gain a point of contact for general questions about soil and develop relevant skills.
- You raise awareness of your municipality, organisation or other type of institution by embedding it into our international network.
- You gain opportunities to exchange your views and experiences with other municipalities and cities that are active in the field of soil conservation; this may include excursions, events or best-practice examples.
- You get to organise soil events (e.g. the annual conference of the European Land and Soil Alliance) in your commune.
- You receive access to valuable sources of expertise, such as the website, the periodic e-mail newsletter and other materials.
You can participate in regional, national and cross-border projects relating to soil protection and awareness (e. g. SONDAR Network, EU Strategy for the Danube Region).